The most common skin tumors are: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, which is the most dangerous of all.
What are the danger signs?
Asymmetry: dividing the pint in half, one half is different from the other;
Irregular edges: when the margins of the lesion are trimmed or not very well defined;
Various colors: when an injury presents different colors: brown, red, rosy, black, white, bluish;
Lesions greater than 6 mm;
Wounds that do not heal or heal and re-open are also suspected, as well as lesions with a raised, shiny, reddish, brown, pink or multicolored surface;
Black or brown "pints" that change their color, texture, become irregular at their edges and increase in size;
"Stains" or sores that present itching, pain, crusting, erosion or bleeding.
Dermatoscopy and Spot Mapping strong>
It is considered the most reliable and safe examination to follow the spots in order to detect any slight change in the size, color or shape of the existing spots, in addition to the appearance of new spots. It is particularly useful in the prevention and early detection of melanoma, the most dangerous skin cancer.
This examination is done by dermatologist expert in the technique, who through dermatoscopic photographs, analyzes in detail in the computer the characteristics of the spots and possible modifications over time.
Prevention and treatment of skin cancer strong>
The prevention is done through sun protection, self-examination (examination done by the patient himself, looking at all parts of the body) and the examination done by the dermatologist, who should examine the skin regularly every 6 months, and if necessary, Indicate the dermatoscopy examination for the spots.
The treatment of skin cancer is specific to each case. It may range from local creams, cryotherapy (a kind of spray dry ice), surgery or photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy is a treatment, based on the application of a cream that penetrates the tumor and absorbs a light, which will cause the destruction of the tumor. The application is made in the clinic and is indicated for tumors and precancerous lesions (such as actinic keratoses, for example), with a good aesthetic result.